
Dental Implants

General Dentistry located in El Paso and Socorro, TX
Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in El Paso and Socorro, TX

Losing one or more permanent teeth can affect your confidence and self-esteem. At Affordable Dental Associates in El Paso and Socorro, Texas, Mehrnoosh Darj, DDS, and the team offer dental implants as an effective solution to give you the healthy, stunning smile you deserve. Call the nearest office today or schedule an appointment online to find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants.

Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants replace lost tooth roots. During surgery, the team at Affordable Dental Associates inserts dental implants into your jawbone through your gums. The implants connect to your replacement teeth — crowns, bridges, or dentures — to hold them firmly in place. 


Dental implants last longer than any tooth replacement treatment. The team may recommend implants if you’re unhappy with how your dentures perform.  

How do dental implants work?


Once surgically placed into the jawbone, dental implants stabilize through the natural healing process. The bone and tissues heal around the implants, allowing them to osseointegrate (bond) with the supporting jawbone. This process ensures dental implants feel and function exactly like your permanent teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?


Dental implants offer many benefits for men and women with missing teeth, such as:



Dental implants hold your teeth in place like your natural tooth roots, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with your gumline.



While traditional dentures rest on top of your gums, implants provide a barrier that prevents your replacement teeth from shifting and causing sores.



Dentures can slide on your gums when you chew or speak, leading to discomfort or slurred speech. Dental implants allow prosthetic teeth to function like natural teeth by holding your replacement teeth in place.



Unlike bridges and dentures, which last for about seven to 15 years, dental implants can last for a lifetime with proper care. 

What does placing dental implants involve?


Placing dental implants can take several months and multiple visits. First, the team performs a thorough dental exam and takes digital X-rays. They may also use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans to plan your treatment.


The team may recommend a bone graft before surgery if you don’t have enough tooth-supporting bone in your jaw to hold implants. The healing process typically takes up to three months.


When you arrive for dental implant surgery, the team administers an anesthetic, so you may not be aware of your surroundings. They create a small access hole in your gums and surgically place your implants in the predetermined areas. Finally, the team sutures your incisions.


It can take about 6-12 weeks to heal from implant surgery. Once your mouth fully heals, the team takes digital impressions to create your custom-made replacement teeth, which they connect to your implants at your final visit.


Call Affordable Dental Associates today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about dental implants.